Since my admin is too lazy to write this herself, I am going to steal her moment of glory and do it for her.
Yes, my admin is an absolute STAR at procrastinating, and I highly doubt this personality trait is ever going to fade. Maybe one day, heh.
She has an actual job. She has a home (it's cozy here, admittedly) and she has a family. And surprisingly enough, even a set of friends. Not as many as I have of course, but we can't have it all, can we?
My point is, when writing with her, please understand that she really does have other matters to attend to. For some ignorant and entirely insane reason she has decided to write multiple characters. I can't stop her, and she obviously won't even listen to my arguments, but there it is. I suppose she simply wishes to give you all a variety of experiences. Mind, I actually like her other muses. (Don't you dare tell McPride I said that, hear me?)
Her DMs are always open for questions or even small talk, but don't let me hear you pestered her for any reason. Not that I expect you would, everyone here is ever so lovely. But still.
To make a long and glorious story short; please bear with her, and forgive her for being so horrible at time management.
Noukie, I tried, alright?