

I am Satan, Avatar of Wrath. However if I like you enough, you may call me Salty.

Though I by no means consider it a bad thing, I tend to hide my true thoughts and feelings behind a mask. It isn't easy for me to take it off. For those who manage to see through the cracks; lucky you.

Keep in mind that I might be a bit too salty for your liking, and I have issues understanding intentions. I am still learning every day, however. Be patient with me, and I will do the same with you.
One day you might know me well enough to understand when my smiles are genuine and when they are not. Also, learn to take a joke.

In case you were interested -though most likely you are already aware of most of my hobbies- I enjoy reading and learning new things. And cats of course! One can never have too many bean toes around. Recently, I have picked up latte art! I'd be happy to show you the progress I've made. <3



Fortunately for me, I am very much and very happily taken. I am not looking for any relationships other than friendship. This means that if you decide to interact with me, there will be no flirting and no romantic or NSFW interactions. I'm truly sorry if this is disappointing to you, which, admittedly, is understandable- but I have found my true love.



Everyone is welcome to interact with me if they wish. I do however ask you to keep in mind that my ship may have priority at times, and that by no means it says anything about you if I fail to reply to you. Unfortunately I have only so many hours a day (and when else would I read??) and I need to be selective in order to remain sane. I appreciate your consideration for this. That being said! Feel free to either banter or give me elaborate replies, depending on the situation of course.


Don'ts <3

When interacting with me for the first time, please remember that I don't know you, unless you are canon. Don't think that I am in love with you or know everything about you. It makes me highly uncomfortable to be flirted with by strangers or being told their sad past during a first conversation. Consider my personal space and comfort in this, if you please. I do -however surprising perhaps- have feelings. Furthermore, do not pressure me for replies. I am very busy, and need to divide the attention I get from my admin with a few other muses. (Don't be sad, I know she tries.) I don't have time to follow you around all day. Thank you.

Since my admin is too lazy to write this herself, I am going to steal her moment of glory and do it for her.
Yes, my admin is an absolute STAR at procrastinating, and I highly doubt this personality trait is ever going to fade. Maybe one day, heh.
She has an actual job. She has a home (it's cozy here, admittedly) and she has a family. And surprisingly enough, even a set of friends. Not as many as I have of course, but we can't have it all, can we?
My point is, when writing with her, please understand that she really does have other matters to attend to. For some ignorant and entirely insane reason she has decided to write multiple characters. I can't stop her, and she obviously won't even listen to my arguments, but there it is. I suppose she simply wishes to give you all a variety of experiences. Mind, I actually like her other muses. (Don't you dare tell McPride I said that, hear me?)
Her DMs are always open for questions or even small talk, but don't let me hear you pestered her for any reason. Not that I expect you would, everyone here is ever so lovely. But still.
To make a long and glorious story short; please bear with her, and forgive her for being so horrible at time management.
Noukie, I tried, alright?


Tiger Familiar

My cheeky but precious tiger familiar. Feel free to approach her whenever you wish, though I have to warn you; she is still rather playful, and forgets she isn't a cub anymore.

Welcome to my forum!
Feel free to ask me anything!
Though keep in mind; inappropriate questions will grant inappropriate answers.
Start new topics any time you like, I am always looking forward to good conversation.

Image credits

All official images related to Shall we date? Obey Me! used for this website belong to NTT Solmare.

Character credits

Due to Twitter's new policy rule. I would like to inform you all that I am not associated with any of the artists, actors, or characters portrayed on this page. This account/website is strictly for entertainment purposes.

Art credits

Header and Princess art made by;




Hecate Kreivitär